Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Deciding on a year-long Tarot project is exciting and daunting. Selecting a deck to use was easy. I've been enthralled by this deck since it's arrival in September. Working out the details of what all my objectives are for this PDR has left me feeling like there is so much yet to learn.

For those who aren't familiar with it, PDR stands for Personal Deck Reflection. It's working with a specific tarot deck for a year, doing readings for yourself(and others if you choose), and then writing about your impressions of the reading. From the interpretations of the cards, to my personal insights on what I'm learning about Tarot and myself, I'll be sharing my thoughts here at least once a week. The objective is to increase my knowledge and understanding, to grow as a reader.

I'll be including my "Sacred Days of Yule" reading as it is an overview of where I'm at now and for the coming year. I'll be pulling the last card for it tomorrow night, New Year's Eve, and then doing my final interpretation of it, hopefully tomorrow night, but more likely on Friday.

I'll also be doing a New Deck Interview spread for the start of the project. I think this deck has things to teach me.

My journal is ready, my pencils are sharpened--yes, hand-written entries as well as my thoughts here(for all the stuff that's too personal to share), and I'm eager to begin a year of study and growth!

~BlueDragonfly~ aka Leigh


Onyx said...

I like the part about journal's ready and sharpened pencils. There is something just great about a new beginning and the PDR is a great way to dedicate ourselves to moving forward and exploring the world we live in and ourselves.

Looking forward to a great year.


Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

Nice start, good wishes for the journey!

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