Friday, October 22, 2010

IDS DruidCraft Daily Draw- October 22nd, 2010

Outer Energies- The World XXI
This is the second daily draw in a row(I missed yesterday) that shows The World for outer energies. And as we all know, the same card can have different messages in different readings. Today The World is speaking of having all the 'tools' I need to move through the day, and complete my tasks. My world is what 'I create' it to be. The simplicity of the card speaks of keeping what I need and shedding some of the clutter-mental and material-that no longer serves me.

Just as holding on to emotions from the past can hinder my life, too much 'stuff' and in a way, the emotions attached to the acquiring and keeping of said 'stuff', hinders my growth. The removal of these things can free up the space I need for moving in my world more confidently and easily.

Inner Energies- The Queen of Cups
She looks so serene and connected with her world. The queens represent the integration of their suits' qualities, an inner knowing. The Full Moon, which is indeed full right now, shines above her outstretched cup, as if offering it's blessings to her. It is time for me to pay closer attention to the Moon's cycles and her influences in my life.

Again, a message to free myself from that which does not serve me. To take control of my emotions and realize that holding on to old feelings of resentment and hurt hinder my growth as a spiritual being. We all crave the approval of those closest to us, of who we are and what we believe in. When that approval doesn't happen, do we change ourselves into someone we're not? Wholeness comes in living according to your spirituality and doing that which is right for yourself. If 'so and so' says you should wear orange, but you think orange is dreadful, do you wear it in order to gain their approval? It's not worth it. A hard lesson to learn, as it can leave you feeling bereft if you're not confident in who 'you' are.

I have neglected posting my readings, doing the 'homework' lately. Finding my focus and concentrating on my path have fallen by the wayside of procrastination and wasting precious time. My birthday readings indicate that the coming year will be filled with lessons to pay close attention to, and growth. But only if I am doing the work, seeking the knowledge and experiencing it's infulences in my life.


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